Congratulations to July's Fan of the Month, Amy in Nashville!
Tell her what she wins!
A slinky!
One package of Community coffee! (Not the good chickory kind)
$83 Canadian dollars!
Free lasik eye surgery!
A cat I just found!
Free, unlimited access to!
The love and adoration of anonymous millions!
Nine scarves!
Now let's learn a little more about Amy...

Amy Taylor
Where y'at?
Nashville, TN
Something the average interweb browser wouldn't know about me is…?
After both my younger (and maybe cuter) sisters declined, I was picked as the princess at a Medieval Times show in Orlando, FL.
The music scene in Nashville is…?
A little too country.
What do you have against country?
Nothing against country, just not really my style. I like pop-country, maybe alt-country, bluegrass, just nothing in the middle. My real problem with Nashville is not all the country options, but the lack of blues options. Which is the one thing I miss about Memphis.
Whatcha do for a living?
Executive Assistant to a CEO for Medical Imaging Consulting company. I help people who are way too busy stay organized.
When was the last time you ate at Burger King?
Try never.
(Editor's Note: I will not try never. I never try never.)
What on earth did you get at Burger King?
Nothing, because I didn't go. That's disgusting. I am ashamed to say that the last time I ate fast food was at a KFC. Three-headed chickens. Yikes!
Your last meal on earth has to be ordered at a fast food establishment (national chain). What do you get?
Even thought Supersize Me has scarred me for life, I would get a double cheeseburger meal from McDonald's.
What music publications/blogs/sites do you read? Any of them good?
They're all good...I'm blog obsessed and can't have enough in my life. My favorites include:
My own blog - Organized Living By Amy
My husband's blog - What's Ailing the Ry-Ry
More professional blogs where people are actually getting paid - Amalah, Dooce, Nashvillest, EW
And it's always fun to read some celebrity gossip on The Superficial and WWTDD
(Editor's Note: So, um, no music blogs? Fair enough. Who reads those, really?)
What was the exact date you became a Chris Milam fan?
Hmm, good question. January 2007 at your show in DC.

How about a baby onesie or bib?
(Editor's Note: Chris has his own baby onesie and his own bib. He wears them on the regular. We just haven't mass-produced them yet.)
Pick your dream concert. Any three (living) artists, anywhere, any venue, any month/time of day. What is it? What's it called?
Dave Matthews (I get to pick the playlist, 90's only please), Ben Folds, and Radiohead. I'm not very creative and would need more time to come up with a catchy name.
You can move anywhere in the continental US tomorrow, be there for exactly one year, then move back to your current location. Money is no object. Where would you go? Why? Or would you stay in Nashville?
As much as I love the East coast, I'm thinking I would like to try out the West Cost. And if money' s no object, then sign me up for San Diego- La Jolla please!
San Diego? Why San Diego?
Well, the specifications to the original question included only living there for a year. I've never lived that close to the beach. It's beautiful, rich (you said money was no object), and places like LA, Hawaii, & Mexico are all easily accessible. I live to travel.
If you could fight any public figure, who would it be and why?
Cheney. Um, he's a dick!
Would you fight dirty?
Of course.
You get to bring one weapon. What is it?
A bucket of water...
You have one meal left on earth. What is it?
Lobsta! Some type of seafood platter: lobster, crab legs, crawfish, a couple shrimp, and mussels. Side item of garlic mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. A roll or some type of sweet bread. A bottle of red wine. And for dessert, cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries. If I can have two- I'll also have a root beer float, please.
(Editor's Note: You can have two. Only because you asked so nice.)

1) Parenthood
2) College football
3) New Orleans
4) Muffins
5) French Revolution
(Editor's Note: Sure, I've fathered countless illegitimate children, but there's no way parenthood's better than a muffin. None.)
Fill in the blanks!
Five favorite artists from the 60's are…?
I'm going to stick with only bands starting with THE. The Beatles, The Turtles, The Band, The Beach Boys, and The Supremes.
Five favorite artists from the 90's are…?
Now or then? Then it was Bush, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Green Day, Beck, No Doubt, Weezer. I can't pick 5. I'm totally a child from the 90's. I love it all!
Five favorite artists from the 2000's are…?
Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Foo Fighters, Jack Johnson, and Ben Folds or maybe Radiohead.
Some other singer/songwriters I love are… ?
I do love some Fiona & Tori. But also Ani Di Franco, Ray Lamontagne, Elliot Smith.
Favorite wrongly-heard song lyric is...? (e.g. "Excuse me while I kiss this guy...")
I'm horrible at lyrics. Most recently I kept hearing Kodachrome on NPR when they stopped making the film. Anywho, I knew I liked the song and had heard it before, but I had no idea what he was talking about. "Mama, don't my photo-phone away?"
(Editor's Note: What?)
You are going out tonight. You are going out to do whatever it is you would like to do for a fun night of festivity and frivolity. This can include anything from high-stakes poker to a quiet game of Scattergories. Anyway, you get to assemble your posse for the night. You can pick ANY FOUR MEN OR ANY FOUR WOMEN on the planet, friends, celebrities, athletes, etc. Who is in your entourage and why?
I'm taking:
1) My husband (Ryan). He's pretty fun and I like him.
2) Ryan Zimmerman to make Ryan happy and add an athlete to the mix.
3) Hillary Clinton, for the juicy political gossip. Barack, Bill, Barney Frank, I want it all.
4) Ira Glass. I want to hear more interesting stories and maybe a little NPR gossip.
(Editor's Note: NPR gossip? Like whose tweed jacket was on clearance?)

Maybe, but I couldn't really think of one besides Karl and I hate him. I might have to sign some type of waiver, but I think Hillary would be willing to dish.
(Editor's Note: I love that he's "Karl." Take that, Marxists!)
Where will music be in 5 years? What will be the next "big thing"? Where would you like to see it go?
I don't know. Aren't we each supposed to have a spaceship and a home on the moon by now? Let's take music to the moon!
Finally, how can I ever thank you for the support?
Parents Night Out--babysitter on duty!
I think the music-on-the-moon mission sounds easier!
Thanks again,
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