Monday, August 11, 2008

Feeling Great, Feeling Good, How Are You?

Look, Blogworld. I can't lie.

I went away for a month. I didn't tell you I was going, I didn't tell you where I went, I didn't answer your calls, didn't answer your texts, ignored you when you said you were worried sick, actively avoided the Coast Guard when it searched for me, saw myself on a milk carton and thought, "you know, it's time I came back."

So I did.

What was I doing? The list is actually 73-Things long, but I'll now list a randomly chosen fifteen of them:

Writing overlong blogs about College Football at a different site.
Training for the Olympics.
Becoming a sommelier.
Getting confused.
Writing a song about a barista.
Drafting the best fantasy football team in the history of fantasy, football, and Planet Earth (see photo).
Making a smoothie.
Wondering how "barista" gets spell-checked but "smoothie" doesn't.
Reading entire books, front to back.**
Wearing sunscreen indoors.


Getting ready for the fall. More on all of this very soon, including launch dates and release dates and release shows and tours and such.

What have YOU been doing?

Meantime, here are 4 Tidbits to chew on:

1) Do people chew on Tidbits? What is tid? Is it edible?

2) Kings of Leon have a new record coming out in September, and the first single is on Myspace. It's called "Sex on Fire," which is what I would have jokingly guessed the next KOL single would be called six months ago and, yep, here it is, Coitus Infuego. Either way, go listen, because it's awesome.

3) Still listening to the new Hold Steady, if only to hear Ben Nichols slur his way through the word "sequestered" twenty times. The marriage of the Hold Steady and Ben Nichols is so enjoyable, so wise by both parties and (in hindsight) so obvious that I can only compare it to the sandwich I just made, which I won't go into the details of, but pepper jack cheese was involved, and so was some sort of Thai dressing that I think went bad a while ago. The lesson, as always: I don't know. Good record, though.

4) One year later, this is still the coolest column I've read on the interwebs. If you like Florida, or sports, or football, or people from Florida who play sports, one of which is football, or you like being told strange tales from faraway lands while you listen, mouth agape, in wonder at the power and mystery of human potential, or you like dudes that can run really, really fast, read it immediately like it's the only thing in your life worth doing.

In the saddle,

*I haven't actually read any books, front to back or in any other order. What are you, Victorian?

1 comment:

ross k. said...

Human beings catching rabbits is hard to fathom...

...but enough about football. How about LeBron James and Dwayne Wade on the best b-ball team since the '90s? In your face, Greece and China. Pau Gasol, you're next.

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