Friday, September 07, 2007

I Fear This Man

This is Glenn Dorsey. He plays for LSU's football team. They're playing Virginia Tech this week. Hence, I fear him.

Thankfully, other Hokies do not. Here is a list of things that make Glenn Dorsey amazing (equating him to either God or Chuck Norris), courtesy of a Virginia Tech message board:


They use Dorsey's foreskin as a tarp at Yankee's stadium.

You can't spell Glenn Dorsey without G-O-D.

Glenn Dorsey is undefeated against Roger Federer.

Dorsey got his wife pregnant.. and she gave birth to a delicious 16 oz. steak..the afterbirth was sauteed mushrooms.

Glenn Dorsey does not seek medical attention for erections lasting up to 4 hours.

Glenn Dorsey invented Al Gore.

Glenn Dorsey once fought Glenn Dorsey to a draw.

Glenn Dorsey scared the heat out of fusion.

Dorsey's family crest is a picture of a barricuda eating Neil Armstrong.

Meat Loaf WILL do that if Glenn Dorsey tells him to.

Glenn Dorsey can score one point in football.

Dorsey found Bobby Fisher...Twice.

Dorsey can blow bubbles with beef jerky.

Dorsey had a bachelor party once. He ate the entire cake before he was told there was a stripper in it.

Glenn Dorsey named the group Sha Na Na. They did not want to be called that.

Glenn Dorsey can deadlift Holly Rowe.

Crying on Saturday,

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