At what latitude does Exxon become Mobile? These are questions I wonder whilst giving a quick round-up of St. Louis:
Favorite Moment:
A little boy in the audience danced during "If You Don't Love Me By Now." Then he went to sleep.
A birthday girl's request for a Talking Heads tune went unanswered, because I didn't know it. I lose. Lame, Me.
Highway Weirdness:
In Arkansas, there are signs that say, "Hit A Worker: $10,000 Fine and Lose Your License." In Ilinois, those signs say, "Hit a Worker: $10,000 Fine and 14 Years Jail Sentence." And what I want to know is this: what judge decided, "a worker is worth exactly fourteen years"?
More Highway Weirdness:
Outside of St. Louis, in the midst of construction, I entered a stretch of road named "Paul Simon Highway." I started to pop in Graceland, but Boss growled at me.
In the Rearview:
Don't tell them this, but Arkansas might have the best sunsets. Missing those.
Down the Road:
Tonight at Uncommon Ground, which I'm stoked about. Last time I was here, it was in February. I had to park a mile from the venue and lug my merch box in the driving snow. When I hit the door, two staffers hugged me, gave me blankets, and carried me to a snuggly chair beside a crackling fire. The only thing missing was a pipe, tweed jacket, and bread pudding. I thawed out, played a few hours later, and had a blast. Really looking to UG tonight--sans snow.
Weather's Here, Wish You Were Beautiful:
One of my favorite things about intimate shows--and last night's show was intimate--is the opportunity to try new things. I debuted a new song last night called "From So Far Away," and will end with the YouTube video below. I'm not 100% sure it's done yet, but it sure was fun to play.
"From So Far Away"
More soon from Chicago! Til then...
Grasp and hold on,
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