Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Very Doghouse Christmas

Once upon a time in a land far away, Three Kings were watching over their flock of seagulls at night. And lo, an angel appeared unto them and said:

"Do not be afraid, for I bring you tidings of great radness and wonder. A video is born in the east that will save humanity, manity, and likely womanity. You will call this video "A Doghouse Christmas 2006", and it will bring you hope throughout the ages. You will find it wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in an Internet Manger. And InterManger, if you will." They did. The angel continued: "You should bring it great gifts of cinnamon and sugar, and probably some beers of rich flavors. Go and tell it I sent you."

And the Three Kings were afraid, but away they went. Here is what awaited them:

Merry Christmas,
Chris (aka Slim Pickins)

P.S. Worry not: this video is very safe for work , as all good saviors should be.

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